Laboratory tests for women

The role of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of women's conditions

Appropriate diagnostics are a key element in the treatment and prevention of conditions affecting the female population. Laboratory tests are an invaluable tool to assist doctors in identifying and monitoring various types of diseases. Thanks to them, it is possible to make a quick and precise diagnosis, as well as to control the effectiveness of ongoing treatment.

Blood count test

The blood counttest is one of the basic laboratory tests to assess the patient's overall health. It allows you to assess the number of erythrocytes, the level of hemoglobin, hematocrit, as well as the morphology of red and white blood cells. The results can indicate the possibility of anemia, infections or autoimmune diseases.

If a woman is pregnant, a blood count test will also allow monitoring of possible changes occurring as a result of hormonal changes or pregnancy-related strain on the body.

Determination of hormone levels

Testing of horm one levels is particularly important in the diagnosis of female conditions, including those related to the reproductive system. It allows assessment of the regularity of the menstrual cycle, diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or hormonal disorders associated with menopause.

With the determination of hormone levels, the course of hormone therapy can be effectively monitored, and the dosage of drugs can be adjusted if necessary.

Tumor marker testing

Tumor marker testing is another type of laboratory test important in the diagnosis of female diseases. It allows detection of possible cancerous changes at an early stage, which increases the chances of successful treatment.

An example of such a test is CA-125, which is a tumor marker used primarily in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. High levels of CA-125 can suggest the presence of cancer, but other factors, such as the presence of inflammation, are also taken into account.

Another important tumor marker is CEA, used primarily in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, as well as pancreatic cancer.

Blood lipid levels

Testing blood lipid levels allows us to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which is one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide. It allows assessment of total cholesterol, LDL (unfavorable), HDL (favorable) and triglycerides.

If the test results indicate elevated lipid levels, appropriate lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes and regular physical activity, are necessary.


Laboratory tests are of great importance in diagnosing and monitoring various types of women's conditions. Thanks to them, doctors can quickly and accurately make diagnoses and tailor treatment to individual patients. Regular testing allows early detection of possible changes or diseases, which increases the chances of successful treatment.

It is important to remember that laboratory tests should be performed under the supervision of a doctor and tailored to the patient's individual health situation. It is also important to monitor the results on a regular basis, which will allow early detection of any abnormalities and effective diagnosis and treatment.

Take care of your health and perform regularly ordered tests is an investment in your future!


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